When Stars and Salt collide - Coldplay, A Sky Full of Stars (piano/cello cover)

When Stars and Salt collide - Coldplay, A Sky Full of Stars (piano/cello cover)

The Story: It was 2011. Late in the year. What started as a small town ambition to sell pianos through social media had shown some promise as a standalone YouTube music video channel. We had a few videos under our belts. We had a handful of subscribers. We were building steam. We were loving it! But one looming, sour-faced, obstinate obstacle stood in the way.

Reality. How could we sustain this? How could we keep this pace? We had robbed too much time away from family, day jobs; we were living two lives - nocturnal and diurnal - in an attempt to write music and film videos in every spare second. Our day jobs, including the Piano Store itself, saw a sharp decline due to negligence. Reality hit. It hit hard. Our music videos were not providing near enough to provide for our families, our number one priority. They say that the only difference between a large pizza and a professional musician is that a large pizza can feed a family of four!

So we hatched this crazy idea.

What if our genesis, as official full-time "Piano Guys," could be "crowd funded?" What if we offered special packages to people in exchange for their support to help us get our wheels off the ground? We launched the "Founders" program. We were cautious in our optimism, but we were completely overwhelmed. The generous support... READ MORE... https://thepianoguys.com/pages/a-sky-...