Arwen's Vigil, Original Tune

Arwen's Vigil, Original Tune

We want to thank Lights for All Occasions for donating the lanterns used in the night vigil scenes. Go check them out, they have some really sweet lights!!

We are also very grateful for Thanksgiving Point -- they were so kind and accommodating in letting have access to their beautiful center. If you haven't been there, the Italian Gardens are only the beginning of what they offer there.

Story behind music and video:

"When Aragorn was abroad, from afar Arwen watched over him in thought" --Lord of the Rings

After signing with Sony we were putting together our first official release. Just before the deadline, we looked at the song list and all agreed the album needed to include a new original piece. But we had 48 hours. As we prayed for help, Jon recalled a tune he had almost included in a solo album, but for reasons he couldn't remember he had not finished it. It was just the compositional catalyst we needed.... read the rest of the song on our website here: